# Updates # This page is for changes since {cite}`agz` was published. As of 9 March 2022, there is only one new existence result: In October 2021 Hadi Kharaghani and Thomas Pender sent the $CW(341,16^2)$. Theorem 6.6 of {cite}`agz` uses the $d=3$ case of Theorem 6.5. It was an oversight not to note that the same is true for any odd $d$, so a stronger theorem is: Theorem: Let $q$ be a prime power. Then a proper $CW((q^{2e+1}-1)/n,q^{2e})$ exists for all divisors $n$ of $q-1$ if $q$ is even, and all divisors $n>1$ of $q-1$ if $q$ is odd.